
To Corporate Headquarters in Ithaca, New York

MCCI’s main office is located at 3520 Krums Corners Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850. There are five airports that are reasonably close by. On most airline reservation sites, choosing ITH as your destination, and selecting “Include Nearby Airports” will include all five. We find that Elmira, Syracuse and Rochester often have better schedules and lower fares than Ithaca or Binghamton. Driving directions:

Airport distance

Distances from Other Cities

Straight-line distances can vary from the actual driving distance by a wide margin if a direct route between cities does not exist. The distances given below are straight-line distances, rounded to the nearest 5 miles.

  • From New York, NY: 175 miles (280 km)
  • From Philadelphia, PA: 185 miles (300 km)
  • From Pittsburgh, PA: 225 miles (365 km)


For over twenty years we've been developing and licensing USB system software to be embedded into our customers’ consumer-electronics products.


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